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Hi guys I just got back from Kentucky, my squad and I were working with Samaritans Purse in Jackson. About two months ago there was a river that rose 47ft in a flood. Many people were swept away from the river and found later dead, others drowned in their homes. All the houses and buildings around the river were covered in mud and black mold. Most of the people’s possessions were completely ruined and destroyed along with many homes. A lot of the people in the area were already poor and could barely live here. Now they’ve been put in a completely broken hopeless place. My squad was so amazing out in Jackson, working on cleaning up houses and damage from the flood. While we weren’t working on houses we found countless people just searching for something to bring them hope and peace. They found that and more when they met my squad because they met Jesus! I’m so excited to see what the Lord is going to do through them the rest of this trip! I’m so happy that I was put in this group, I can learn so much from them. There were 27 people saved in the time we were there! Thank you Jesus!

 The Lord showed me how much hope I can bring those around me when I let him work through me. There was a man I believe his name was Matt, he was volunteering for Samaritans Purse. He had come back from a job he was walking into the building at the same time I was heading out, and I saw he had a limp in his left leg from falling through the floor. I just felt that I should pray for him so I asked if I could, he said yes. It didn’t happen immediately but later that day he walked up a set of stairs and back down and he noticed there wasn’t any pain or swelling. He didn’t try to find me because he wanted to wait until the next morning. The next morning it was still completely fine, we ran into each other in the bathroom and started praising the Lord when he told me. I could’ve easily ignored him and done what I wanted, but the Lords plans are always far greater. The Lord changed many people through this trip and still is without us being there. Though it looks hopeless from the outside, the Lord is turning it into a hopeful situation with people all around coming to help.

One response to “Samaritans Purse”

  1. Michael, thanks so much for sharing! I love the story of Matt and how God used you and your faithfulness to help heal him! We can’t wait to see how He co tiniest to use you and your team to bring His hope to the nations!!! We loved being with you this past week and can’t wait to see you again in January!!! We love you brother!!!

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Michael Armenia

This blog for Michael Armenia is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.